株式会社TEZEN / TEZEN Inc.
Art Management and Consulting


TEZEN was founded in 2008 with the aim of expanding horizons for artists’ representation. TEZEN is involved in a variety of activities focusing primarily on the arts and culture sector. These have included the planning and management of exhibitions, workshops, and symposia and other arts-related projects, consulting with regard to the archival and effective utilization of artistic materials, and the planning and management of art tours, as well as arts-related publishing, Japanese-to-English translation, and media relations support. In addition, outside the arts and culture sector, we also offer services such as consulting on the design and creation of interactive venues and the productive utilization of physical space.

会社概要 / Company Profile

名称:株式会社TEZEN | 設立:2008年2月 | 所在地:〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿7-4-4 武蔵ビル5F
事業内容:芸術文化に関するイベントの企画・運営 / 芸術文化に関する情報提供、及びコンサルティング / 芸術文化に関する各種企画のコーディーネート / 未利用地の有効活用に関するアドバイス、及びプロデュース
URL:http://tezen.co.jp | Email:info@tezen.co.jp

Name : TEZEN Inc. | Founded : February 2008
Location : 5F, Musashi Bldg., 7-4-4 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0023 Japan
Activities : Planning and management of events relating to culture and the arts / The provision of information and consulting relating to culture and the arts / Coordination and logistics relating to culture and the arts / Consulting and production assistance with regard to the effective utilization of underused space
URL : http://tezen.co.jp | Email : info@tezen.co.jp

手錢和加子(てぜん・わかこ) / Wakako Tezen

株式会社TEZEN代表 | HAPON共同創設者
Representative Director of TEZEN Inc. and Co-Founder of HAPON


Originally from the Taishachō area of the city of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture, Wakako holds a degree in International Relations from International Christian University’s College of Liberal Arts and earned her qualification as a museum curator at Waseda University. Born near the ancient Shintō shrine of Izumo-taisha to a household whose roots can be traced back to the Edo Period, she spent her early childhood exposed to Japan’s traditional arts and crafts and the Fumai school of tea ceremony. As a university student, she was deeply moved by her encounter with contemporary art while studying overseas in the United Kingdom. After graduation, this encounter inspired her to become involved in the Tokyo gallery scene, where she organized exhibitions that included showings of contemporary Japanese art from the 1960s and 1970s. She went on to found TEZEN Inc. as a means of expanding support activities for younger artists in her own generation. In 2011, her activities expanded beyond the art world when she took part in the launch of HAPON, an office sharing initiative, which she and her colleagues are developing as a model workspace promoting a new style of working. In her private life, she is the mother of two children.

手錢和加子(てぜん・わかこ) / Wakako Tezen